Masters Degree

The research is mainly based on “Systems and Control” (017003) Course, specifically on the ideas of Interpolating Control (IC) and Model Predictive Control (MPC).

PhD Degree

  • Spatio-temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Network for traffic signal control in large-scale urban networks (in progress) [Presented in TRB 2022 Conference]

  • Preference commands in traffic signal control via Double Deep Q-Network (in progress)

  • Converting textual instructions into preference commands for traffic signal control (in progress)

AGI papers

Dynamic and Evolving Neural Network (DENN)
Image 1

Associative Knowledge Representation Model (AKREM)
Image 1

Model of Models (MOM)
Image 3

Reviewing Role

Also reviewed papers at ECAI2023 conference (see “Call to Arms” award), and at Transportation Research Record (TRR): here, here, and here.